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公共演讲 & 领导力课程

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Dr. T是屡获殊荣的教育工作者、中学校长以及公共演讲导师。


Dr.T 来自多伦多,拥有多伦多大学的教育学博士学位, 还接受过古典戏剧、儿童表演和配音方面的专业培训。






我们很多学生,包括在北美的华裔,都有着优良的品质: 勤奋、学习好、奥数强、踏实肯干,但是否也积极活跃、沟通能力强、有幽默感和出色的领导力呢? 而后者作为学生在北美升学和未来职场取得成功的重要软实力,是非常值得培养的。

我们的“公共演讲和领导力“ 课程,除了提高学生的英文演讲稿写作、公共演讲、表达能力,也将有助于培养他们的Critical Thinking (批判性思维) 和 Communication Skills(沟通技能),这也是领导力中重要组成部分



Public speaking is an essential skill in our modern world and can be the difference in an individual’s personal and future professional success.


The advantages of studying and applying public speaking skills are tremendous. Communications training does not just help people who use their speaking skills for the stage or in a co-curricular program, but also this course prepares students with essential skills for speaking publicly in and out school.


The FOUR key elements that make THIS online public speaking class effective include:

  • Highly trained and accomplished speaker and instructor

  • A comprehensive and individually tailored curriculum

  • Time set aside to practice/rehearse with personal feedback each class

  • YOU. Work 1:1 or in a small class building confidence in speaking publicly


iBridge Education offers a comprehensive public speaking program for children and youth, and high school and university aged students by well-known public speaking coach and instructor of 30 years Dr. T.


Students are educated in and are provided ongoing support with the use of idea development, structured writing, and performance delivery of skills. The 1:1 or small group class focuses on skill advancement assessing an individual’s speaking strengths and developing abilities from weaknesses to create a distinct and powerful speaking style all their own.


Public speaking allows individuals to build confidence in how they present themselves to others as well as for practical use in school subject presentations, application interview situations, as well as interacting in meaningful and effective ways in life.


PUBLIC SPEAKING class benefits for YOU as a student include:

  • Improving interpersonal and intrapersonal communication skills

  • Overcoming fear and anxiety of speaking in public

  • Increasing confidence in project or school assignment presentations

  • Enhancing the ability to speak confidently to people in positions of authority

  • Individualizing feedback every class for YOU!

Also, please ask about specialized programming focused on supporting ADULTS communicate more effectively and with increased confidence at home and at work.



We are all leaders! Many times, individuals struggle with how to use these skills to bring out the best in themself and in others.


iBridge Academy offers a leadership program to help everyone navigate these uncertain times. These leadership training techniques will assist individuals build a stronger sense of self and to develop skills to lead others in a variety of situations.


The THREE main components that make THIS leadership program effective include:

  • Leadership 101. The Essentials

  • Motivational Leadership

  • Leadership Abilities in a Digital Age


Working alongside our highly trained and accomplished leadership coach and instructor, Dr. T will individualize a program to reach and improve skills in each student.


Working 1:1 or in small group classes, students will discover how to unlock their leadership potential in ways that promote enhanced self-esteem and how to work better with others. Researching and applying a Growth Mindset framework, students will find new ways to understand how to get along with others, be more approachable and approach others in helpful and encouraging ways, as well as develop individual projects that can be used for school projects and presentations and learn effective habits using more effective collaborative and cooperative planning strategies.


Connecting with others globally is an increasingly important skill for young people. By discovering and utilizing new and existing software platforms, students will embrace a new virtual frontier together. Specialized techniques and learning strategies for the virtual world will be examined individually or in small groups to support students to be successful in all aspects of their lives.


Also, please ask about specialized programming focused on supporting ADULT LEADERSHIP, navigating yourself in a variety of situations more effectively and with increased confidence at home and at work.



Everyone is an individual with specific needs as well as abilities to help one another. This Resolution & Management program is designed to assist students and/or parents to work together in a productive way to establish boundaries for effective learning and controlled behaviour.


iBridge Academy offers a course of study, either 1:1 or in a small group setting that allows students, and parents to address difficult personal, family, or school-based situations with skill and effectiveness.


Conflict Resolution and Crisis Management session topics may include:

  • Student distress or situational anxiety training

  • Student-student or sibling conflict resolution

  • Student-Parent conflict and resolution management

  • Student-School crisis management (e.g., discipline/suspension)

  • Family educational crisis management


Dr. T will share his vast educational experience and specialized expertise in working with struggling and difficult people and will encourage students to embrace the real challenge of conflict that young people negotiate today. Through a step-by-step situational analysis, exploration of roles, skill set (assets/deficit) development, and outcome resolution and management techniques, students, and parents can better deal with ongoing conflict in their lives.


The ability to alter one’s own perspective on what conflict consists of and how to ratify a potentially disastrous situation is crucial in school and in life. By studying and practicing techniques in change management and impulse control of individuals, students will face their uncertain futures with confidence and sense of effective behaviour management for themselves and others.

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